Saccfug meeting - lots of changes coming!

September 10, 2008

Last night was our Sacramento ColdFusion User Group meeting. While the presentation was good (an intro to using CVS via an Eclipse plugin), the part I'm most excited about was the post-presentation discussion. We had a great turnout for the meeting -- filling the room (and leaving a few folks to stand in the hallway...sorry guys). Lots of great ideas were brought up for future presentations, sample projects to work on, improvements we can make to the website and so on. In general, our meetings lately have had really good turnout; some folks driving in from as far away as Reno (a solid 2-hour drive, one-way), and last night was no exception. Ideas that came up for future meetings included:
  • Switching the version of Java that's running under your CF server (for, among other reasons, to avoid the "class loader" bug, etc)
  • A ColdBox introduction
  • An overview of CF Administrator
  • Ant (I missed the first preso we had on this last year -- maybe others did too?)
  • What to expect in CF9
  • CFthread overview
  • General overview of asynchronous stuff in CF (Livecycles, JMS, Blaze, etc)
  • Using Flex and Remote Objects
  • A Mach-ii introduction
  • Custom Tags (I may be able to do this one if nobody else is interested)
  • Intro to the Model-View-Controller pattern
  • Moving from a procedural codebase to OOP
  • What is Flex? (A very rudimentary intro into Flex, for folks that have never seen it before)
Seth and I have a lot to work on. I'm sure it won't all happen over night (we're both...well...busy *g*), but it was great to get this much feedback from the group, and give us ideas for long-term paths to implement, rather than scrambling every month to come up with ideas. :) There's also talk of us updating the website, including a "suggestion box" so folks can provide (anonymous?) feedback. I'm looking forward to improving the group as much as possible! What's this thing called "sleep" I keep hearing so much about? :) -nolan