CF.Objective Notes -- Building Apps with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript

July 06, 2012

Building Apps with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript -- Adrian Pomilio

(This is another press where I got so wrapped up in what the speaker was saying, that I didn't write down much. But I did make note of a few books and design patterns that folks might appreciate.)

Know what you're rendering on

understand your "rendering flow"
DOM vs Rendering Tree (everything that gets DISPLAYED)

jQuery "delegates" -- look into how these work

Book recommendation: JavaScript, the Good Parts

Observer Pattern
Composite Pattern
Strategy Pattern

MVP -- Model View Presenter

When considering frameworks / libraries, the COP principle:

C -- Convenience
O -- Organization
P -- Patterns

HTML5 .appcache files
for offline caching
Have to add the .appcache mime type to the Apache config
(Is there any sort of Firefox plugin or other tool that will work instead of editing the Apache config? Even if just for development purposes?)