CF Objective Notes - Monitor, Troubleshoot & Protect Your CF/Railo Servers with FusionReactor 5

May 14, 2014

Monitor, Troubleshoot & Protect Your CF/Railo Servers with FusionReactor 5
Charlie Arehart

intro –
why I use it ever day and why I think you should use it every day
why you would want to move to version 5 (if you're still on 4)

Why use FusionReactor?
More than just a monitor
can watch what's going on NOW as well as historically
in interface and in substantial logs

F/R is MEANT to be used in Production
can be left on ALL THE TIME, on your Prod server
virtually no additional overhead on your server
and it's all configurable
F/R can watch your Env FOR you.
When common problems arise, it can email you so you're not glued to a monitor all day
can view details of currently running requests down to LINES OF CODE (stack trace)
"CF is slow", what's slow about it? We restart CF – common scenario
all this is vital to understand what's really going wrong, the real nature of problems
can monitor running queries, what the parameters were (cfquery, CFORM, all of it)

options to attempt to kill requests, via interface or automatically via alerts

Can use F/R to monitor more than JUST CF
Railo, BlueDragon and ANY JavaEE server
or Java apps
including Solr

Low cost license is per server (physical or virtual)
CF + Railo + Tomcat on 1 server = you buy ONE copy of F/R

$29/month avg cost to get started

monitoring running requests
monitoring request history
recent, longest running since startup, recently slow, by return code
leveraging logs
stack traces
enterprise dashboard (1 interface to watch ALL your sites)
web, AIR and mobile options

What's new in version 5.0?

main improvements
no longer Flash based, HTML5 instead
many new UI improvements
some pages have context menu in top right (i.e. request – response codes)
now based on a java agent, as opposed to the previous servlet filter-based architecture

you no longer need to wrap datasources: FR now automatically monitors all DSNs

new licensing portal: easier activation/deactivation/transfer of license among machines

other changes
each page has own URL
can display info back to a week (or CF restart, whichever comes first)

Can track details of cfhttp calls just like cfquery or cfstoredproc calls
to see which ones are slow, etc.

can track heap/non-heap memory, garbage collection, classloading and more
option to track user's IP based on X-forwarded-for
as when passed from load balancer
see requests – settings – proxy – proxy header

Full slide deck on

option to track user agent in request logs
so you dont have to go into apache logs to get this any more
can download the logs thru the FR UI now
can customize the metrics dashboard if you want to
modify to graph different series of data

Crash Protection settings improved
"tell me if there are more than 15 requests over X seconds, send me an alert"
"if there is less than X memory available in the heap, let me know"

Profilebox – Coldbox integration, offers more lower level details specific to the ColdBox environment.

And still more new stuff!

Added in 5.0.8
support for tracking details within requests such as cflock time

daily report email – every night at midnight, you'll get an email telling you how the server did over the day, how many errors, avg response time, etc.

UEM tracking per request
(user experience monitoring time)

change to not long queries unless Fusion Analytics is enabled

change to track query location only for queries taking longer than X milliseconds (100ms by default)

improvements for running IE8

fixed aggressive UI caching

tracking of query of queries disabled by default

usability enhancements for instance manager wizard
restored ability to manage multiple instances at once
fixed UI issue w/ "test email" functionality in FR settings
by default JDBC logging is disabled
support for CF11
plus more stuff

added support for Windows Server 2012 R2

Fusion Analytics
if you want to analyze info over weeks, months, years
live demo, docs and videos available on line

Fusion Debug
better, faster interactive step debugger thru CFML
-also debugs Railo
Eclipse plugin

Fusion Cloud
coming later this year
so it doesnt store logs on your server any more, it puts them in the cloud based app instead