Awfully quiet over here...

May 11, 2010

I've been neglecting this blog lately. You can insert all the usual reasons, and they're all true to one extent or the other. Busy with projects, the holidays/tax seasons were crazy, and so on. In addition to those, one semi-non-standard reason for the silence here is the simple fact that I can never think of anything to blog about! :) However one of the benefits of being so busy of late is, I've had my hands in a lot of different code, and have actually started assembling a few ideas for blog posts! So with a bit of luck and some careful time management, I hope to have a few new additions to the site in the coming weeks and beyond. Tonight is the SACCFUG meeting. Seth Duffey will be going over how to architect Flex applications. I'm not sure if we'll be broadcasting the meeting or not, that is something we're still working on streamlining. Hope to see you all there! -nolan